Individual Rights First!

Rights First has always been the motto of this site. We only have a nation worth protecting if that nation puts the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness first. Those are natural rights as are the right to eat, drink, breath, own property, reproduce and speak freely. The nation that puts individial rights first is the only nation that is worth protecting.

The only right of a nation is to protect our individual and natural rights. That is the promise of America.

The RNC has the motto “Country First”. I hope the RNC realizes that that only applies to a country that protects the individual and natural rights of their citizens.

You can build a country by making a list of human rights and then writing a constitution that protects those rights. Putting country first and then writing a constitution only builds a tyranny.

I can, however, respect the “Country First” slogan from John McCain.

1) The slogan has to do with his feelings and is not advice for government (hopefully).
2) That slogan had genesis in his Hanoi POW cell.
3) That slogan is to implicate that Obama does not place country first but that Obama places Obama first.

Nevertheless, I think slogans like that compromise the lowest level of thinking; feeble brains use them as principles.

This site is in favor of the use of lottocracies of the able to select our representatives and candidates.

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