No Need for Government

I don’t want to be governed; I want only to be protected.  I want to be protected from invasion, criminals, and unfair trade.  I also want an enumerated set of rights protected such as eating, breathing, shelter, clothing, consensual sex, the right to own, the right to work, the right to fair trade, etc.  (See the constitution of Peru if you need clarification).

What I hate about the USA are: Republicans, Democrats, Wall Street, Big Business, Unfair trade, most laws, the constitution, outsourcing, income taxes, billionaires, the perverted distribution of wealth, the court system, the system of democracy, psychiatry, and the school system.  Add the words “in their present form” to all those dislikes.

What I want are:

The ability to choose a government.  I don’t a government picked by a majority, I want to pick my own government!  This is possible!

Alternatively, I want to create my own government with our own laws.  We wouldn’t be squatters, but would provide the army and other protecting forces with a positive cash flow, a group tax/rent.

I keep my friends close but I keep governments closer.

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