No killing is ever correct.

Read my lips!

Killing a fellow human is never correct.

Some may die as the result of self-defense (of self, others or a nation), but the deliberate killing of humans is NEVER correct.

Contrast Iraqi invasion I to Iraq invasion II and the difference is night and day, sanity and insanity, Christianity and hypocracy, popular and unpopular, heroic and infamous, life and death.

The first Iraqi effort saved lives.

Wouldn’t a “War on Starvation” have saved more lives at the same cost? If we allow people to die that could have been saved, isn’t that killing?

If we took volunteers from death row and let them save people from starvation, wouldn’t that be proper amends for letting them off death row? Aren’t we killing by doing otherwise?

Wouldn’t it make combat soldiers feel good by distributing food in Africa prior to coming home? Wouldn’t it make them feel totally heroic?

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