Utopia is Optimized Fun

Webster defines Utopia as follows:

Main Entry: uto•pia
Pronunciation: yu̇-ˈtō-pē-ə
Function: noun
Etymology: Utopia, imaginary and ideal country in Utopia (1516) by Sir Thomas More, from Greek ou not, no + topos place
Date: 1597
1: an imaginary and indefinitely remote place
2often capitalized : a place of ideal perfection especially in laws, government, and social conditions
3: an impractical scheme for social improvement

We at UtopianStates emphasize the second definition: A place of ideal perfection especially in laws, government, and social conditions. We believe that governments and social conditions can only be improved by first determining the ideal. It’s not important that we can’t totally reach the ideal. The important concept is that we use the ideal as a goal so that we can chart our course. Knowledge about what is real or perfect is the only way that any government, leader or politician can chart a viable course for his group.

Some people see perfection as having a billion dollars or winning the gold medal. This is an illusion. True that those would be perfect goals to achieve, but they go beyond perfection. With another reference to Webster:

Main Entry: per•fec•tion
Pronunciation: pər-ˈfek-shən
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English perfeccioun, from Anglo-French perfection, from Latin perfection-, perfectio, from perficere
Date: 13th century
1: the quality or state of being perfect: as a: freedom from fault or defect : flawlessness b: maturity c: the quality or state of being saintly
2 a: an exemplification of supreme excellence b: an unsurpassable degree of accuracy or excellence
3: the act or process of perfecting

We at UtopianStates emphasize definition one for defining Utopian perfection. A perfect society therefore is free from fault and defects; it is flawless and mature. The UtopianStates therefore constantly looks for faults and defects and strives to eliminate them. It isn’t sufficient to cause stress to some inhabitants in order to improve the situation for others. Causing one defect to eliminate another is not a viable solution. Nor is it sufficient to get the approval of the majority and the leaders. Any solution must be perfect for all the people.

The wealthy have the right to own property and earn money that is proportional to their risk, effort and skill. Others with lower effort and skill still have the right to food, shelter, clothing and a job without life threatening stress. Living frugally does not imply that a person has to be unhappy. Some of the happiest people are those that live frugally with limited resources.

Those obsessed with power, superiority and domination, apart from any role playing for mutual amusement, should not join the UtopianStates.

The UtopianStates strives to create a society where all can have equal fun living on this beautiful planet. The UtopianStates does NOT socialistically distribute the wealth. The UtopianStates endeavors to socialistically distribute the fun and enjoyment of life. Life should be a celebration. Life is wonderful.

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