Fear Not!

Pick a Candidate that at least tells you that your government can be better. He should tell you that your government should pave the path for a better, more prosperous and fun future for all. He (or she) should tell you that your government should be the vanguard for the future, establishing the principles for more prosperous, more just and happier times.

A very good candidate will tell you that your government has stolen from you, deceived you, defrauded you, over punished some, over taxed others, eliminated the jobs and investments of still others. A very good candidate will tell you that your government has murdered, committed genocide, and acted feloniously. He (or she) should tell you that your government has given you poor justice and disproportionate punishment for some. He should tell you that your government has been negligent in providing quality and affordable health care.

Plausibly he would tell you that all you have to fear is fear itself. Fear of change, fear of past blunders. You have fear of government due to past government deceptions. He might tell you that you cannot avoid this fear by crawling under the covers and ignoring the problems. Change is needed. The night time bogeyman in the closet won’t go away until you open the closet door. He will only disappear if you open your eyes and turn on the lights.

The very basics of government have to be re-examined and discussed. The principles of democracy have to be discussed as partisan politics can result in a nation led by the vested interests of a mere 26 percent – some democracy that is! Every dime the government spends should uniformly benefit all, not just the party in power and not even the majority! All that contribute equally should benefit equally. We should discuss the basics of government. We should discuss the problems, the fundamentals, the foundations and the principles of everything that government is, including justice, taxation, welfare, voting, military adventures, prison, punishment and other things.

We need to withdraw from this fumbled occupation of Iraq to allow ourselves time to improve our society before we are overcome by the next ice age – which is due. We have to take this era of potential prosperity and “make hay while the sun shines”. We’ll never have a better opportunity. Let’s not squander it.

All we have to fear is fear and government.

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